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Policy Issue

Construction Products Regulation

Policy Isssue

Construction Products Regulation

Basic information

State of play

The 2011 Construction Products Regulation (CPR) lays down harmonised rules for the marketing of construction products in the EU.

On 30 March 2022, the European Commission published a proposal for a revised CPR. The proposal is meant to address the shortcomings of the current CPR and to extend to the sustainability performance of construction products.

The proposal is currently with the Parliament and Council. The Parliament adopted its negotiating position on 11 July 2023. The Council is still working towards a negotiating position.

Related documents

14 July 2023
The European Commission opened the feedback window on a draft Delegated Regulation establishing classes of performance in relation to the resistance to fire, which supplements the Construction Products Regulation (CPR).
2 min read
30 May 2023
The European Parliament’s ITRE and IMCO Committees have adopted and published their positions on the revised Construction Products Regulation (CPR). In the Council, the Swedish has proposed a compromise text.
2 min read


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