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Press Release

Eurovent members establish Working Group in India

03 October 2022

2 min read
Press Release

Eurovent members establish Working Group in India

03 October 2022

2 min read

New Delhi, 04 October 2022. Eurovent members and certified companies active and manufacturing in India have formed a local working group enabling coordinated activities in awareness raising, education and strengthening of IAQ and energy efficiency standards. Devraj Singh (FlaktGroup India) has been elected as Chairman, supported by Shashi Shekhar (Camfil India) as Vice-Chairman.

Reflecting the growing importance of the Indian market and the Indian manufacturing strength, and in support of local energy efficiency and Indoor Air Quality initiatives, the group aims to provide its expertise in technologies and standards to private and public stakeholders in the country. Participation in the group is open to any local or international organisation holding a Eurovent membership or product certification.

The Working Group was formally launched during a meeting on 20 September at the Sheraton New Delhi by the Indian manufacturing units and sales offices of AAF International, ABB, Camfil, CAREL, ebm-papst, FlaktGroup, Trox, Systemair and Ziehl-Abegg. Participants have elected Mr Devraj Singh, Managing Director of FlaktGroup India as Chairman, supported by Mr Shashi Shekhar, Managing Director of Camfil India as Vice-Chairman. The group will be managed locally by Mr Vanshaj Kaul as Director for Eurovent in India.

Devraj Singh, newly elected Chairman of the Working Group ‘Eurovent India’, stated on the launch of this initiative: “India is rapidly evolving into a mature market. Within a dynamic regulatory environment and reflecting increased quality demands, we feel the importance of driving efficiency standards along with proper performance verification methods. We need to raise awareness among market players on technologies and their potential to reduce the rising energy demand of buildings while ensuring adequate Indoor Air Quality levels. We need to support education on latest global and local standards to ensure that the next generation of engineers is capable of dealing with an ever more complex technical but also climatic environment.”

Mr Raul Simonetti, Chairman of the Task Force ‘Eurovent International’ stated: “We salute this initiative by Eurovent members active and manufacturing in India and will support it in all possible ways. Eurovent does not want to impose itself onto the Indian market, but we see many areas where we can exchange expertise and support local players in establishing a sustainable and IAQ-driven regulatory and technical environment. For the global efforts in reducing the CO2 footprint of our industry, cooperation and exchange across borders and continents is essential.”

Related documents and links

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  • Eurovent logo files
  • Business portraits of Devraj Singh, Shashi Shekhar, Raul Simonetti and Vanshaj Kaul
  • Press images
  • PDF version of the Press Release


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